Dega’s warehouse is located in the commercial district of Nashville, TN~ a hub for the touring industry and convenient for all equipment pick ups and drop offs.
We have recently expanded our warehouse & office space in order to accommodate our growing inventory of cases, equipment and repair facilities.

Our equipment is meticulously maintained by a full time staff who are also available to make fast repairs if necessary and field all needs and requests while a crew is out on tour.
Our cases are made exclusively by R&R Cases, a leader & innovator in this industry.
Our warehouse manager, has been the creator and inventor of many tour specific cases & innovations and he is constantly working with crew chiefs to make the touring experience smoother and more efficient.

Production managers can easily be provided with case manifests, truck pack plans or any other specifics that relate to the equipment end of a touring production.
Please see our Contacts page for directions, contact numbers & email addresses for the warehouse & our manager, Andy Haley.